We are looking for professional entertainment media interview correspondents for hosting who are not signed to any agency or management Male and Female looking for representation with a large social media presence. With our organization consistently growing within this fun and crazy entertainment world, we are always looking for awesome models & talent. We are currently only considering submissions from Actors, Actresses, Dancers, Influencers and Comedians with seasoned resumes and legitimate television, film, and/or commercial credits and large social media followings — All other submissions MUST be by referral. Please read strict submission rules carefully & only submit if the above criteria describe you, and you have the required information listed below. If you meet requirements, please fill out the form below.
Please have all reels or links to your vimeo or youtube open and not private Using our company name in a promo Hi this is _____ YOUR NAME with Alliance Entertainment please do a promo segement You can pick any topic or celebrity to talk about as if you were to be on air and speaking to audience, You can be as creative as possible or conduct an interview We want to see you in your element and see how you are on camera if you had to produce your own segment
Tell us about your career accomplishments as well things non entertainment releated about you
Copy and paste here your full resume
Must be only a Vimeo or youtube link and must be public, not private
If you don't have any representation but had one in the past leave name of management or agency
As we are very selective we want to make sure the talent are a good fit for our company so Please list at least 3 professional character references Include names and contact